I’m an award winning business ops consultant, writer, speaker, podcaster, mum and anxious business owner ripping up the rules when it comes to running a business.

Often found: drinking hot chocolate / wild swimming / watching reality tv

My Story

Since I started my business in 2020, I've been ripping up the rules and creating a business that works for me. Balancing business, anxiety and (recently adding) motherhood, I've built something that works for me.

I started my business back in March 2020, two weeks before the pandemic expecting it to earn me a bit of money from evening and weekend freelancing. The pandemic hit and I went from working in an office to working from home and I found it really difficult.

I have generalised anxiety disorder and I struggled with my mental health and balanced a full-time job with my side hustle through the pandemic.

In January 2021, I took the path of full-time freelancer and haven’t looked back. From just me to our four person team in 2022 and back down to 'solopreneur' in 2024, it’s still unreal that this is my job all of the time. Now being a freelancer isn’t always easy and it definitely isn’t about that #girlboss life…

Starting out as a Virtual Assistant and growing to be an Online Business Manager then Business Consultant, I’ve worked with some incredible clients.

Since 2020, me and my team have been helping small business, social enterprises and individuals organise their businesses and lives, manage their operations more effectively and make a difference.

As a team, we were experts in building online courses, making events happen, managing HR functions, managing operations and a particular highlight of mine was running companies while their owners took maternity leave, leaving their business or clients in our hands.

In 2022, I began talking about my experience as a freelancer, business owner and managing my anxiety. I started coaching, training and consulting on businesses alongside providing my business services. I started teaching groups on how to run a business and loved it

In 2023, I scaled back down. Building a business that really served me so I could balance anxiety and business and in 2024, my son joined our family and so I've been adding motherhood to that mix.

I developed my Instagram @workwithgeorgina and my podcast The Anxious Business Owner's Podcast to share my story.


Writing and speaking is a huge passion of mine. I've worked with businesses to deliver workshops and training, appeared on podcasts and written opinion pieces.

I can talk about topics such as:

⭐️ lessons learned from running my business

⭐️ small steps to starting a business

⭐️ balancing mental health and a business

⭐️ creating an anxiety friendly, mental health friendly or family friendly business

⭐️ using social proof to build authority

⭐️ creating your own rules in business

As well as being able to creating something unique for you.

I'm open to speaking and writing opportunities in 2025, you can enquire using the form below.

The combination of her business initiative and warm and emotionally intuitive personality makes her exceptional.

Hannah Broughton MBE

Working with Clients

I’m so grateful to be working with some incredible clients right now, helping them make more impact and generate income. 

I’m working with a number of social enterprises, profit for purpose business and a charity supporting them with their business operations, building and selling online courses and creating impact in their social missions.

I'm working with new clients on a selective basis and you can enquire using the form below.

Before Georgina came along I had a vision to modernise our Social Enterprise and dramatically increase our traded income. She has been amazing at further modernising our organisations- finding quicker and more efficient ways to do things and contributing to the set up of new income streams to increase our sustainability. Georgina is a very talented and lovely person to work with. Everything about my businesses has got better since she started working with us

Hannah Broughton MBE

My Portfolio

Tom's Hirschsprung's Podcast

I joined Tom for an episode of his podcast to talk about the first 5 months of juggling motherhood and being a business owner, Ffredi's diagnosis of Hirschsprung's Disease with the triumphs and challenges that have followed.

Listen on Spotify

Behind the Business

I returned - post-pregancy - to talk to Jemme about creating a business on your terms. We talk about my decision to skip traditional maternity leave, how her clients reacted to her sharing she was pregnant, and my experience so far of balancing motherhood with business.

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Llwyddo'n Lleol

I worked with Llwyddo'n Lleol to deliver a series of talks for new business owners on running their business in 2023.

Bangor University

As a Bangor Uni alum I've loved returning to talk to university students about freelance life.

Big Ideas Wales

I'm a regular speaker with Big Ideas Wales introducing entrepreneurship to young people.

A Little Bit Richer

The nine to five office grind isn’t the only way of working anymore. It was a joy to join Kia Commadore and Legal and General.

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Peaceful Service Pro

My first ever pod appearance and I was safe in Ceel's hands talking building an impactful business and working with siblings.

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Behind the Business

I've been in Jemma's world for a while and I loved chatting with her about being multi-passionate and proud plus anxiety of course.

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The Freelancer’s Teabreak

I love Emma so it was stunning to sit down and talk awards, anxiety and wild swimming.

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Put On Your Positive Pants!

I loved sitting down with Beth and chatting about my experience of depression and anxiety.

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Be 'Nesa' Career Stories

As an alum on Bangor University, I chatted with Ben and Ffion about my journey to self-employment.

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Excel Against the Odds

Talking Generalised Anxiety Disorder with Sarah.

Listen on Spotify

Georgina is an enormous asset to our organisations. Georgina covered for me during my maternity leave with my third child. I had a number of health problems during the pregnancy and gave birth at a crucial time for our business; the month we began franchising. Despite this, I felt really confident leaving the businesses in Georgina’s hands and could enjoy the early days with my new baby and adjusting to a family of 5. It meant I didn’t have to rush back to work and knew my businesses were well taken care of.

Hannah Broughton MBE

Georgina’s background in HR has been a wonderful bonus when working with her. She’s incredibly knowledgeable about all things HR and is skilled in drawing up documents such as contracts, policies and job descriptions as well as saving us time and money by being part of the recruitment and interview process.

Hannah Broughton MBE

12 Burton Way, Beaumaris, LL58 8LD
